Fair Trade

All the ornaments and gifts you find on this website have been produced under fair trade standards. Our goal is to be a solution to poverty by providing dignified work to marginalized artisans in developing countries. When you choose to buy from Wildly Fair, you join us in being part of the solution. We encourage you to share with your gift recipient why you chose fair trade. Your act of giving fair trade can and does change the lives of the artisan.  We all can make a difference in the world, even when giving a gift.  

As our friends at the Fair Trade Federation have stated: 

Fair trade is an approach to business and to development based on dialogue, transparency, and respect that seeks to create greater equity in the international trading system. Fair trade businesses partner with farmers and craftspeople in developing countries who are socially and economically marginalized in finding markets and customers for their goods.

Our direct, personal relationships and annual visits to Nepal and Nicaragua ensure that transparency, great environmental standards and work conditions are being met in all of the artisan homes and workshops.  Feel good knowing that not only are you buying a high quality gift but there is a real person who put lots of love into creating it.